Welcome to Skyline Hill Poultry

We are a small poultry farm located in Wayne, Wisconsin, nestled in the rolling hills of the Kettle Moraine. Our chickens free range, spending their day eating bugs and plants, taking dust baths and exploring the hillside. While our chickens are not fed an organic diet nor are vegetarian, their layer feed is provided by a local feed mill located about 10 miles from our farm. Take a look around our site and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Long Winter Begins to Fade

Its been awhile since my last post.  Things are quiet during the deep winter months and there isn't much to share.  The chickens fared well through the worst of the storms and cold and thankfully rodents weren't a problem.  (I guess our extra work paid off in keeping them out!)

Spring is just around the corner and the snow has begun to melt.  As long as the temperatures are above 20 degrees, I've been opening the coop for the chickens to get out, if nothing else for a change of scenery!

Today, temperatures reached 45 degrees, nearly swimming weather!  :)  About half of the chickens were out enjoying the sunshine and exploring today.  They normally avoid the snow, but when a patch of the white stuff is standing between them and freedom, they'll do what they need to do!

After such a cold and snowy stretch, its a real joy to see the chickens out free ranging again.  Even though much of the grass is brown, there are a few blades of green to nibble on. 

On another note, ALL of the hens are now laying, including the youngest of the flock who hatched last September.  Two of that group turned out to be roosters... and as long as they behave themselves, they can stick around.  Roosters can be quite protective of the hens in their care which can be a real help to a flock that free ranges.

Here's to an ever-warming season!  Cheers!


  1. every time you say rooster, i think SOUP! ;)

  2. I really need to get some pictures of them on here. That is, if they don't end up in the soup pot first!
