Welcome to Skyline Hill Poultry

We are a small poultry farm located in Wayne, Wisconsin, nestled in the rolling hills of the Kettle Moraine. Our chickens free range, spending their day eating bugs and plants, taking dust baths and exploring the hillside. While our chickens are not fed an organic diet nor are vegetarian, their layer feed is provided by a local feed mill located about 10 miles from our farm. Take a look around our site and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The awkward teenager phase...

The new pullets are growing so fast and have now reached what I call the "awkward teenager phase".  They still have some of their fuzzy feathers, but most of their adult feathers have grown in.  They will be a real pretty dark caramel color.  (the red hue in the picture is from the heat lamp in the brooder)

This picture shows how some of their feathers are in, but the necks are still fuzzy.  They're standing about 8 inches tall right now.  They sure seem curious about the camera!

This weekend they will move into the "big girl coop" and begin their introductions to the rest of the flock.  While they won't be able to mingle with the other laying hens or get outside yet, they will have a lot more space than the brooder provides.

Even now, they're already attempting to eat bugs (mostly spiders) that crawl on the walls of the brooder. 

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